Sunday, January 18, 2009

'Tis the season for GERMS

Nothing exciting, I just need to complain a little and get some sympathy from everyone in blogland. I hate being sick! But more important, I hate that moms get sick from taking care of sick kids! Rhett started with the sore throat, fever, and hacking up a lung. Then I got it, then Austin, and then Bekah. Rhett is feeling better but I still feel like crud because I waste all my energy taking care of the others. Luckily, Neldon was home for the past couple of days and that has helped a lot. He did all of the laundry this weekend and several loads of dishes. He pulled the night shift with the sick kids so that I could get some sleep and let me take naps each day. What a guy! I hate to think what I would feel like if he hadn't been around.

Anyway, we hope the nasty germs stay far from your house!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Neldon- hey you gonna be around, I'm coming to Vegas the 4th-6th. Email me and let me know, maybe we can get together for a bit.

Mark Trapp